Civic Engagement and Outreach connects club members with projects and activities to make a difference in the community in the areas of (1) crime prevention, safety, and disaster prevention; (2) the needy, hungry, and homeless; (3) our military personnel and veterans; (4) Citizenship. Some of the organizations we support include Heifer International, Operation Yellow Ribbon, Operation Jersey Cares, Support our Troops, local Boy and Girl Scouts, Wreaths Across America, the Parsippany Emergency Food Pantry, and local nursing homes and memory care facilities.
For example, members cut out manufacturer coupons (current and expired) which are collected and donated to Troopons – Support Our Troops to enhance the well-being of overseas and domestic military families. Information about this program can be found on their website –
Members prepare Christmas stockings for our troops overseas. This project is a state-wide effort in which all New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs can participate. Filled stockings are collected and given to Operation Yellow Ribbon and Operation Jersey Cares for distribution to our troops serving overseas.
Members are encouraged to support the Parsippany Emergency Food Pantry located at 1130 Knoll Road in Lake Hiawatha. Each month food is collected at our monthly meeting and brought to the food pantry. Monetary donations are often made by the club and by individual club members.
Each year, during the holidays, our members bake cookies and fill cans for local nursing homes and memory care facilities. This project is a member favorite!