This is one of our busiest and most popular departments. Projects are designed to foster schools, and other educational institutions and opportunities, promote libraries, literacy, and the love of a good book. Through these efforts, we encourage the growth of individuals and the community.
Our club has a special relationship with the library, being one of its first donors in the 1960’s when the township library was established.
Among our school projects, we provide scholarships to graduating seniors and sponsor Junior girls’ participation at Girls’ Career Institute on the Douglas College Campus. Various awards are given to students in our schools: Citizenship awards to 8th graders, and 5th grade Reading awards. We also sponsor a 5th grade Spelling Bee in conjunction with the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC).
Our members support activities, projects, and donations for our libraries. Books, microscopes, and telescopes have been donated to the Teen and Children Libraries. We read to children for “Read Across America” and Dr. Seuss week. Celebrate National Library Workers’ Day, Friends of the Library and Literacy Volunteers of Morris County.